145.A.35 Certifying Staff and Support Staff
SI No. 588/2023
(a) In addition to the requirements of points 145.A.30(g) and (h), the organisation shall ensure that certifying staff and support staff have an adequate understanding of the relevant aircraft or components, or both, to be maintained and of the associated organisation procedures. In the case of certifying staff, this shall be accomplished before the issue or reissue of the certification authorisation.
1. ‘Support staff’ means those staff holding an aircraft maintenance licence under Annex III (Part-66) in category B1, B2, B2L, B3 and/or L with the appropriate aircraft ratings, working in a base maintenance environment while not necessarily holding certification privileges.
2. ‘Relevant aircraft and/or components’, means those aircraft or components specified in the particular certification authorisation.
3. ‘Certification authorisation’ means the authorisation issued to certifying staff by the organisation and which specifies the fact that those staff may sign certificates of release to service within the limitations stated in such authorisation on behalf of the approved organisation.
(b) Except for the cases listed in points 145.A.30(j) and 66.A.20(a)3(ii), the organisation may only issue a certification authorisation to certifying staff in relation to the basic categories or subcategories and, except for the category A licence, any type rating listed on the aircraft maintenance licence as required by Annex III (Part-66), subject to the licence remaining valid throughout the validity period of the authorisation and to the certifying staff remaining in compliance with Annex III (Part-66).
(c) The organisation shall ensure that all certifying staff and support staff are involved in at least 6 months of actual relevant aircraft or component maintenance experience in any consecutive 2-year period. For the purpose of this point ‘involved in actual relevant aircraft or component maintenance’ means that the person has worked in an aircraft or component maintenance environment and has either exercised the privileges of the certification authorisation and/or has actually carried out maintenance on at least some of the aircraft type or aircraft group systems specified in the particular certification authorisation.
(d) The organisation must ensure that all certifying staff and support staff receive sufficient recurrent training in each 2 year period to ensure that they have up to date knowledge of relevant technologies, organisation procedures and safety management, including human factor issues.
(e) The organisation must establish a programme for recurrent training for certifying staff and support staff, including a procedure to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of this point and a procedure to ensure compliance with Annex III (Part-66).
(f) With the exception of the unforeseen cases specified in point 145.A.30(j)(5), the organisation must assess all certifying staff for their competency, qualifications and capability to carry out their intended certifying duties in accordance with a procedure in the MOE prior to the issue or reissue of a certification authorisation under this Annex to such staff.
(g) When the conditions of points (a), (b), (d), (f) and, where applicable, point (c) have been fulfilled by the certifying staff, the organisation shall issue a certification authorisation that clearly specifies the scope and limits of such authorisation. Continued validity of the certification authorisation is dependent upon continued compliance with points (a), (b), (d), and where applicable, (c).
(h) The certification authorisation must be in a style that makes its scope clear to the certifying staff and any authorised person who may require to examine the authorisation. Where codes are used to define scope, the organisation must make a code translation readily available. “Authorised person” means an official of the CAA.
(i) The person or group of persons nominated under point 145.A.30(b)(2) that are responsible for the compliance monitoring function must remain responsible for issuing certification authorisations to certifying staff, but may nominate other persons to effectively issue or revoke certification authorisations in accordance with a procedure in the MOE.
(j) The organisation must provide certifying staff with a copy of their certification authorisation in either written or electronic format.
(k) Certifying staff must produce their certification authorisation to any authorised person within 24 hours of the request.
(l) The minimum age for certifying staff and support staff is 21 years.
(m) The holder of a category A aircraft maintenance licence may only exercise certification privileges on a specific aircraft type following the satisfactory completion of the relevant category A aircraft task training carried out by an organisation appropriately approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Annex IV (Part-147). This training must include practical hands-on training and theoretical training as appropriate for each task authorised. Satisfactory completion of training must be demonstrated by an examination or by workplace assessment carried out by the organisation.
(n) The holder of a category B2 aircraft maintenance licence may only exercise the certification privileges described in point 66.A.20(a)(3)(ii) of Annex III (Part-66) following the satisfactory completion of:
(i) the relevant category A aircraft task training; and
(ii) 6 months of proven practical experience covering the scope of the authorisation to be issued.
(o) The task training referred to in point (n)(i) must include practical hands-on training and theoretical training as appropriate for each task authorised. Satisfactory completion of training must be demonstrated by an examination or by workplace assessment. Task training and examination or assessment must be carried out by the maintenance organisation issuing the certifying staff authorisation. The practical experience must also be obtained within that maintenance organisation.