Appendix VIII — Basic examination standard for category L aircraft maintenance licence

(a)  The standardisation basis for examinations related to the Appendix VII basic knowledge requirements shall be as follows:

(i)  all examinations must be carried out using the multiple-choice question format as specified in point (ii). The incorrect alternatives must seem equally plausible to anyone ignorant of the subject. All of the alternatives should be clearly related to the question and of similar vocabulary, grammatical construction and length. In numerical questions, the incorrect answers should correspond to procedural errors such as corrections applied in the wrong sense or incorrect unit conversions: they must not be mere random numbers;

(ii)  each multiple-choice question must have three alternative answers of which only one must be the correct answer and the candidate must be allowed a time per module which is based upon a nominal average of 75 seconds per question;

(iii)  the pass mark for each module is 75 %;

(iv)  penalty marking (negative points for failed questions) is not to be used;

(v)  the level of knowledge required in the questions must be proportionate to the level of technology of the aircraft category.

(b)  The number of questions per module shall be as follows:

(i)  module 1L ‘Basic knowledge’: 12 questions. Time allowed: 15 minutes;

(ii)  module 2L ‘Human factors’: 8 questions. Time allowed: 10 minutes;

(iii)  module 3L ‘Aviation legislation’: 24 questions. Time allowed: 30 minutes;

(iv)  module 4L ‘Airframe wooden/metal tube and fabric’: 32 questions. Time allowed: 40 minutes;

(v)  module 5L ‘Airframe composite’: 32 questions. Time allowed: 40 minutes;

(vi)  module 6L ‘Airframe metal’: 32 questions. Time allowed: 40 minutes;

(vii)  module 7L ‘Airframe general’: 64 questions. Time allowed: 80 minutes;

(viii)  module 8L ‘Power plant’: 48 questions. Time allowed: 60 minutes;

(ix)  module 9L ‘Balloon/Airship hot air’: 36 questions. Time allowed: 45 minutes;

(x)  module 10L ‘Balloon/Airship gas (free/tethered)’: 40 questions. Time allowed: 50 minutes;

(xi)  module 11L ‘Airships hot air/gas’: 36 questions. Time allowed: 45 minutes;

(xii)  Module 12L ‘Radio Com/ELT/transponder/instruments’: 16 questions. Time allowed 20 minutes.