Appendix I — Combined airworthiness organisation (CAO) certificate — CAA Form 3-CAO

(a)   Within the approval class(es) and rating(s) established by the CAA, the scope of work specified in the CAE defines the exact limits of approval. It is therefore essential that the approval class(es) and rating(s) and the organisations scope of work are matching.

(b) An aircraft rating , in relation to the maintenance privileges, means that the CAO may carry out maintenance on the aircraft and any component (including engines), in accordance with aircraft maintenance data or, if agreed by the CAA, in accordance with component maintenance data, only whilst such components are fitted to the aircraft. Nevertheless, such aircraft-rated CAO may temporarily remove a component for maintenance in order to improve access to that component except when such removal creates the need for additional maintenance not eligible for the requirements of point (b). This will be subject to a control procedure in the CAE to be approved by the CAA.

(c) An engine rating (turbine, piston or electrical) means that the CAO may carry out maintenance on the uninstalled engine and engine components, in accordance with engine maintenance data or, if agreed by the CAA, in accordance with component maintenance data, only whilst such components are fitted to the engine. Nevertheless, such engine-rated CAO may temporarily remove a component for maintenance in order to improve access to that component except when such removal creates the need for additional maintenance not eligible for the requirements of point (c). An engine-rated CAO may also carry out maintenance on an installed engine during base and line maintenance subject to a control procedure in the CAE to be approved by the CAA.

(d) A component rating (other-than-complete engines) means that the CAO may carry out maintenance on uninstalled components (excluding complete engines) intended for fitment to the aircraft or engine. This CAO may also carry out maintenance on an installed component (other-than-complete engines) during base and line maintenance or at an engine maintenance facility subject to a control procedure in the CAE to be approved by the CAA.

(e) An non-destructive testing (NDT) rating is a self-contained rating not necessarily related to a specific aircraft, engine or other component. The NDT rating is only necessary for a CAO that carries out NDT as a particular task for another organisation. A CAO approved with an aircraft, engine or component rating may carry out NDT on products they are maintaining subject to the CAE containing NDT procedures, without the need for an NDT rating.