SFCL.155 SPL Launching methods

(a)  SPL holders shall exercise their privileges only by using those launching methods for which they have completed a specific training either during the training course in accordance with point SFCL.130 or point SFCL.150(e)(1) or during additional training provided by an instructor after the issue of the SPL. This specific training shall consist of the following:

(1)  in the case of winch launch and car launch, a minimum of 10 launches in dual flight instruction, and five solo launches under supervision;

(2)  in the case of aerotow or self-launch, a minimum of five launches in dual flight instruction, and five solo launches under supervision. In the case of self-launch, dual flight instruction may be conducted in TMGs;

(3)  in the case of bungee launch, a minimum of three launches performed in dual flight instruction or solo under supervision; and

(4)   in case of further launching methods, training as required by the CAA .

(b)  The completion of the training as specified in paragraph (a) shall be entered in the logbook of the pilot and signed by the head of training of the ATO or the DTO or the instructor that is responsible for the training, as applicable.

(c)  In order to maintain the privileges for each launching method and in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b), SPL holders shall complete a minimum of five launches during the last two years, except for bungee launch, in which case they shall complete only two launches. In the case of self-launch, launches may be done in self-launch or through take-offs in TMGs or a combination of these.

(d)  If SPL holders do not comply with the requirement in paragraph (c), in order to renew their privileges they shall perform the additional number of launches flying dual or solo under the supervision of an instructor.