SFCL.160 SPL – Recency requirements

(a)  Sailplanes, excluding TMGs SPL holders shall exercise SPL privileges, excluding TMGs, only if in the last 24 months before the planned flight they:

(1)  completed, on sailplanes, at least five hours of flight time as PIC or flying dual or solo under the supervision of an FI(S), including, on sailplanes, excluding TMGs, at least:

(i) 15 launches; and

(ii) two training flights with an FI(S); or

(2)  passed a proficiency check with an FE(S) on a sailplane, excluding TMGs; the proficiency check shall be based on the skill test for SPL.

(b)  TMGs SPL holders shall exercise their TMG privileges only if in the last 24 months before the planned flight they:

(1)  completed at least 12 hours of flight time as PIC or flying dual or solo under the supervision of an FI(S), including, on TMGs, at least:

(i) six hours flight time;

(ii) 12 take-offs and landings; and

(iii) a training flight of at least one hour total flight time with an instructor; or

(2)  passed a proficiency check with an examiner; the proficiency check shall be based on the skill test as specified in point SFCL.150(b)(2).

(c)  SPL holders with privileges to fly on TMGs who also hold a licence including the privileges to fly on TMGs in accordance with the provisions of Annex I (Part-FCL) to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 shall be exempted from complying with paragraph (b).

(d)  The completion of the dual flights, the flights under supervision and the training flights as specified in paragraphs (a)(1) and (b)(1), as well as the proficiency checks as specified in paragraph (a)(2) and (b)(2) shall be entered in the logbook of the pilot and signed by the responsible FI(S) in the case of paragraphs (a)(1) and (b)(1), and by the responsible FE(S) in the case of paragraphs (a)(2) and (b)(2).

(e)  Carriage of passengers SPL holders shall carry passengers only if in the preceding 90 days they have carried out as PIC, at least:

(1)  three launches in sailplanes, excluding TMGs, if passengers are to be carried in sailplanes, excluding TMGs; or

(2)  three take-offs and landings in TMGs, if passengers are to be carried in a TMG. For carrying passengers at night in a TMG, at least one of those take-offs and landings shall be carried out at night.