SPA.RVSM.115 RVSM height-keeping errors
(a) The operator shall report recorded or communicated occurrences of height-keeping errors caused by malfunction of aircraft equipment or of operational nature, equal to or greater than:
(1) a total vertical error (TVE) of ± 90 m (± 300 ft);
(2) an altimetry system error (ASE) of ± 75 m (± 245 ft); and
(3) an assigned altitude deviation (AAD) of ± 90 m (± 300 ft).
(b) Reports of such occurrences shall be sent to the CAA within 72 hours. Reports shall include an initial analysis of causal factors and measures taken to prevent repeat occurrences.
(c) When height-keeping errors are recorded or received, the operator shall take immediate action to rectify the conditions that caused the errors and provide follow-up reports, if requested by the CAA.